We were startled, someone shouted. This woman was right by us, slashing her arms with a razor in earnest. It isn't clear whether she was out of her mind in distress or under the influence, but for anyone to get into such a state is a terrible thing, because life is precious. We got the razor off her and held onto her as she reverted to slamming her head on the wall and the ground. We held her with all our might and shielded her head, as she was determined to die. Neither Gerry nor I could call an ambulance, we both have difficulties phones and had our hands rather full, but plenty of other people were around to help with that. It was Gerry and myself holding onto this distressed woman, who had thankfully managed to miss any major arteries despite slashing determinedly all down her arms, there was plenty of blood.
In the meantime, Greedy Bob the seagull and his gang were busy raiding my bag and taking my lunch, thanks a bundle, Greedy Bob, I've never forgotten and will get revenge.
A crowd had gathered, and where there are normally loads of Gardai (police officers) in the area, this day it took 10 minutes for a lone bike Garda to appear and he forcussed on (quite rightly) giving out to some ghoul who was filming the whole incident. The ambulance then arrived and the woman was safely conveyed to hospital. In the aftermath, people were talking to me, Irish people, as you know, like to talk, and I got caught up with being talked to, lost sight of poor Gerry. In the days that followed, he told me he'd been very shocked, he hadn't dealt with anything like that before, while for me, blood and violence and extremes of behaviour have been a constant part of my life experience, so I was less affected, but not unaffected. I remember how the blood stains stayed on the ground near my doorstep on North Earl Street for so long. As far as I know the woman was set for a good recovery physically, although she'd be scarred, and hopefully she would get some help and I wish her well, although sadly the beautiful country of Ireland is low on resources with too many people needing the limited help that's available. Ireland is a modern country struggling to cope with change and a growing population and changing world and generational wounds, and is not providing the capacity of medical and support services needed for the current population.
The woman's suicide attempt impacted on her and on all of us who were there. Suicide does. Suicide has a lasting impact on other people. If you try and fail, you live with the consequences and the issues that caused the attempt. It's better to stay alive and try to find solutions, which isn't easy either.
Suicide and attempted suicide affect everyone, and people don't always understand, despair, desperation, can lead to people attempting suicide, not just 'mental health problems'. People who attempt suicide are in desperate need of help, not necessarily 'Mentally ill', but society has been taught to hear and parrot 'click phrases' rather than see what's behind someone wanting to end their life.
I am not a medical professional or an 'expert' except in lived experiences. I have survived all kinds of hell and horror and decided to live, and I want to help others if I can. If I can help one person, if I can return one starfish to the sea, then I've made a difference. Choose life.
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