This is me.

I'm autistic, a survivor of many things, a blogger, pioneer, disabled, with a career in farming and gardening behind me, keenly interested in the world and helping people. I have a sense of humour and endless hope. I grew up in such abnormal circumstances that I was very vulnerable and an easy target for abusers as an adult, and it's still taking me a long time to learn to relate to the world. I will never be 'normal' but who is? Contact me if you are because I want to meet a normal person, I am unique, so are you. In the meantime, I want to offer hope to others.

Sunday, 22 December 2024

When it is Darkest

 When it is Darkest is a book by Rory O'Connor, it's about suicide. Should I be putting it up here? 

Yes. It can be a bit harrowing to read but helpful. 

One of the things that he observes is that if people are considering suicide, they often see there being no way out, they feel that they are in a tunnel with nothing but the present situation. I know what it is like to feel trapped like that. It is often possible for life to go on and move on even if it doesn't feel like it at the time. I stayed alive and although the things that led to me feeling desperate didn't go away, I'm glad I'm alive now.

Another thing the book tells is how suicide impacts on other people. It affects a lot more people around us than we think, and stays with them in their lives. 

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